Friday, March 7, 2014

Grief and Grieving

I've become acquainted with grief in my life. I've lost friends and family, had to attend funerals and had my heart broken by loss. These times of grief have been hard, but I have found myself struggling with a different kind of grief. This one had caused me more suffering because I haven't allowed myself to grieve. This is the loss of the intangible. Loss of a goal, dream or plan.

I have been with others as they have gone through this. Divorce is often an area people feel this loss. Not being accepted to a school or program. An injury that changes the course of plans. In my case, the loss of a calling, in the place I worked to get to. I had plans and goals and ideas and suddenly it was gone.

At first, I was ok. I looked to new opportunities. Then I became frustrated and felt like I had no traction. I then became very depressed and struggled to even make it through a day. Next, the anger came and the bitterness and I struggled to forgive and let go.

In haven't wire reached full acceptance yet, but understanding that what I am experiencing is the normal cycle of grief is helpful. I don't feel like I'm out of control and I understand I need to grieve.

Maybe you are there too. Maybe you have a dream or goal that is gone. Maybe something you thought was working out and it fell through. A job, a deal, a loan. There are things that die in our lives that we need to grieve. It's important to let your self feel the grief. Jesus felt grief and He wept.

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