Today we are answering
concern number one, which is, does God arbitrarily choose some to go
to Heaven and some to go to Hell? If God predestines and
election is unconditional like a Calvinist says, that means that God
just chooses that some will suffer for eternity. That doesn't
sound like a loving God, does it. Many will also say this
doesn't match the character of God being just if He chooses some and
condemns others. What about man's free will, don't we have a
say in the matter?
Let's examine the
scriptural evidence against this position. The scriptures flat
out say in 2 Peter 3:9 and in 1 Timothy 2:4 that God wants all people
to be saved, right? John 3:16 says Whoever, right? So it
seems pretty case closed, God wants all people to be saved. If
God wants it, but it doesn't happen, it must be left up to man, that
seems logical. This is where many Non-Calvinists land, that
Salvation is a work of man, only they wouldn't call it that. The
problem is, we bump into other scriptures. Many, like Acts
13:48 says that those that are appointed to eternal life, they
believed. Predestination and election are talked about in
Romans. Romans 9 tells us about God choosing Jacob, Abraham and
others. It speaks openly about God being the one who chooses.
Many would argue that it's talking about people groups and not
individuals, but if that were the case, and God choose a people
group, wouldn't they all be saved?
Romans tells us that if
you believe in your heart, you will be saved. Acts 13:48 shows
us that those who are appointed believe. John 1:13 says those
who believe are born from the will of God. This poses a
problem, because if those who are saved are saved by God and through
His will, the verses we looked at say that God desires for all men
(people) to be saved. If no one comes to Christ unless they are
drawn by the Father, what is really going on? How do we make
these passages work together without doing damage to the text? We
can't simply ignore the passages that seem to contradict,
we can't isogete them
away either.
First, we need to look
at some basic truth and understand that sometimes the Bible contains
figures of speech. For example, the scriptures say that God
wants, but that must be a figure of speech. To want, you must
be lacking something that you desire to have. For God to lack
is contrary to Christian theology, God does not have lack. God
does not want, He does not need, He does not lack. When we see
a text that says God wants, we need to understand what it's actually
saying. There is a truth being communicated in a way that is a
figure of speech.
Lets look at the couple
of examples. In 1 Timothy 2, we are told to pray for all
people, for kings and people in high places. Christians were
the persecuted and the down and outs, but God wants salvation to be
available to rich and poor, free and slave, Jew and Greek, male and
female. All people, this isn't expressing a lack, that God
wants people to be saved by powerless to do so. God desires
people from all walks of life to be saved, and this is exactly the
case. In 2 Peter chapter 3, we see the same phrase. This
usage is a little different, that God is waiting for all to reach
repentance. Does this mean that God is waiting until everyone
is saved before He brings about the end of time? No, but God
knows when the time is complete and when the last man will be saved.
When the last man is saved, there will be completion and the end will
come. No one knows when that day is or who the last man (or
woman or child) will be, but God does not want (ie will not) end time
until time and salvation is complete.
We are still not any
closer to answer our original question, does God choose for some to
go to hell? This is a complicated question, because nothing
happens outside of God's control. A sparrow does not fall without His
knowledge, Matthew 10:29 says not one falls apart from the Father.
God has complete and ultimate control, if God knows that someone will
spend eternity in hell, why even create them to begin with? In many
ways, there are no answers for either theological side, it is a
mystery to humans how a God with infinite love and infinite mercy
creates people who He knows will betray Him and spend eternity in
Hell. We trust that His ways are perfectly just and all He does is
right. Even if they are not predestined, God knows those who will
betray Him, as He did with Judas, yet still chooses to allow the
tares to grow with the wheat. In the same way, God spared Lucifer,
allowing him to roam the earth instead of destroying him at the
moment of his fall, condemning him to the pit immediately, or not
creating him at all.
9 gives us a little insight to why God allows some to go un-saved.
Whether this is talking about a nation being chosen or an individual,
some are allowed to act in opposition to God, never to be saved to
show His mercy to those who are being saved, see Romans 9:22 &
23. If it’s individuals or nations, Romans nine tells us that
there is a group set apart to be recipients of mercy and those who
are set to be recipients of wrath. In the end, those who are on the
side of the goats at the day of judgment will bring glory and honor
to God, for He showed them patience, but will now show His justice
and wrath in the punishment for sin. Does the fact they are
condemned make God unjust? Not at all, since we all deserve to be in
the place of judgment for our actions, chosen by us and acted out of
our desire to do evil. Every one of those who are cast into Hell are
cast there because they completely and totally deserve judgment.
So, in final answer to
the question, does God choose some to suffer and some to not suffer,
the answer in one sense is clearly yes. If God does know all things
and know where each person will spend eternity, even if you discount
every Calvinist teaching, God still chooses to create people knowing
they will reject Him. God chooses to make these people regardless of
their choice, giving them the opportunity to live life, to make
choices both good and bad. He watches as they reject Him, turn away
from His law and embraces sin, knowing this will cause them to spend
eternity in hell. He loves them regardless. Those who will reject
Christ, those who will never be saved are part of God’s creation,
part of what He has given the opportunity at life. They are part of
the tapastry that is woven together in creation. They will be part
that reveals God’s full character of wrath and his judgement on
sin. God allows each human to have life and to choose sin, and each
human chooses sin. Each human breaks God’s laws, God allows them
the freedom to sin. The question is not then if God chooses for some
to go to hell, but does God choose those to spend eternity in Heaven?
In the next post, we will examine what the difference is between the sheep and the goats, why some accepts and some reject. I hope you'll join me for pt 2.
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