I had a dream (while asleep, this isn't a I have a dream speech) that I was teaching. It was an open room and it was full of people from all ages, some kids some youth and adults and we were talking about taking scripture seriously. I was really getting into the teaching, and people were interacting with me. Afterwords, we have some fellowship and I talked with a guy who was leaving to go on missions. It was pretty vivid, and I remember it days later.
I'm not one to say "i've dreamed the future", but I know this dream has reignited for me the hope that one day I'll be able to plant a house church network. I have heard reports of men in the midwest using a program that I have looked at, having great success and leading people to Christ. My dream, my hope is to plant a house church and plants more house churches that are made up mostly, if not entirely of new believers. I want to plant house churches in neighborhoods that church folks don't like to visit. Low income areas where they can reach out to the community from inside the community.
I don't know that the future holds. I have a good job right now and paying bills and paying off debt and doing better. I know in my heart that this is not what I am called to do. There is that line between responsibility and stepping out on faith, and right now I feel like I need to be responsible with what I have. I need to get things taken care of in my home, with my family and then I can begin to look to this dream. It's hard to have a passion for something and never be able to do it. I hope one day the door opens and I can see this dream come true.
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