Monday, January 5, 2009

Trials and Blessings part 3

Well we are home again. It was a long trip, but a good one. We are so blessed by the people that God has brought into our lives. When our transmission quit, we had some good friends drive all the way from Cheyenne to pick us up in North Platte Nebraska. Then they let us use their van, it was a huge blessing. When we got to Arizona, our friends there gave us a car. Not an old clunker, but a 2006 Malibu, a very nice car. Then I got a call from the shop that had the van. It seems there was a bolt that was missing, which put pressure on the front axles. The movement caused the seals to leak, which caused the initial issue. Then the thing came loose, causing the next issue. Then the axle bent and jammed up, causing it to stop cold. Transmission was fine, needed a new axle, the whole thing was going to be about $280. I wasn't happy about spending $280, but I was a whole lot happier than if it would have been $2,500. We called our friends who gave us the car and told them the deal, and they told us to keep the car and sell the van. So we drove back to Cheyenne, dropped off the borrowed van, drove to North Platte, picked up our van and drove home.

It has been a crazy trip, but I feel so blessed. God has always taken care of us, looked out for us and done more than we deserve. We came home to a warm house, thanks to some friends who turned the heat up for us. We did have a broken pipe, but thanks to another friend from church, it was capped and we had water the same day. Praise be to God for His care and provision in our lives, and thank you to everyone who prayed for us and who helped us along the way. We are so blessed to know so many wonderful people.

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