Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Can You Make a Difference?

This world is a messed up place. This country is a messed up place. We have crooked politicians, protests about who's lives matter, killer clowns, school shootings trafficked teens and a host of other problems. The issues are real, and they are big and daunting and it makes us think that one person can't make a difference. That is where you are wrong.

The Bible is full of stories of one person making a difference, to the Judges of Israel to Esther to Nehemiah, Jesus, Peter, Paul and on and on. Real people making a difference just by doing whatever they can, when and where they can. They followed where God led them an incredible things happened. Sometimes it changed entire nations, and sometimes it just changed one life.

Maybe God has you in a place to make a difference. Little acts can make big changes. Be kind to someone who needs some kindness. Go out of your way to be helpful or thoughtful. Do a little extra, tip a little more and hug often. Above all, pray often and for everyone. You never know when it will make a difference.

In our adult lives, my wife and I have had opportunities to be part of some amazing things. We have served in various places, interacted with all kinds of people and traveled to some great places. We have never been part of anything that will get roads named after us or get memorialized on a plaque, but we have seen God do some thing things. Maybe someone who we helped will help someone who will change the world. You never know what God is going to do with the gift you give.

You make a difference. With all the evil in the world, the good you do know is holding it at bay. The decline we are on is being slowed every day by those who would pull against it. Those who hold the line and say "I will love in the face of hate and I will do good in the tide of evil".  You make a difference and God sees what you do. Remember to pay it forward and pass it on, do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

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