Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The House Church- The Beginning

Well Elaine and I are going to plant a house church, and it's a glorious and nerve wracking experience at the same time.  The basic plan is this:

Begin the house church with a small group.  From 10:30-11, time for the kids.  All the kids and adults are together, an adult tells the story, some of the other adults help and engage and help the kids.  This goes until 11:00 and the kids go to another area to work on a project or a craft.  At this point, the adults will begin Bible Study and worship time.  A leader or a couple will lead off in the teaching time and having time for prayer requests and sharing.  After the Bible Study, there will be a lunch and a time of meal and sharing together.

As this group grows, we will pray about the individual or couple to become the next house church leader.  After some one on one time with the existing house church leader for some training and sharing, a new house church will be formed.  The process begins all over again, new group with the similar structure, adding more and more churches in the network.

Once a month, all the churches in the network will meet together for a copperplate time of worship.  The network will also partner for mission projects, in missions giving and support.  Each home church is led by an Elder, and those Elders meet together once a week to discuss, have prayer and support one another.

This is the vision that Elaine and I feel like God has given us.  Right now, we are praying and seeking God, talking to the kids and what will happen and getting the house put together (new place, we've moved)  I hope you will join us in prayer as we begin this new adventure.

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