Friday, July 27, 2012

Atheist Farmer - an oxymoron

Have you ever met an atheist farmer? Thinking back to all the farmers I have met, many of them were not real religious, most prayed (especially when they were in need of rain). I have never met a farmer who didn't believe in God. As I was driving in rural Nebraska, looking at the corn and soybeans which were an unnerving shade of brown, I thought about the farmers.

I don't know of any profession that will get you nearer the heart of God than the farmer. The farmer works the land, plants the seeds, treats for weeds and fungus and bugs, and depends on God. Only God can make the crops grow. We have irrigation, but only God can make it rain. Only God brings the sunshine. The farmer has the responsibility to do his part, but the results are up to God.

What a beautiful picture of God's power and man's responsibility coming together. We do our part to share the gospel. We share the truth, answer questions, silence skeptics but only God brings someone to Salvation.

I have had many titles in my life. Teacher, leader,manager, pastor, director, but the title I would love to have is farmer. Tilling soil, planting and watering and praising God for the increase.


  1. Hello from an atheist farmer... there are a lot of us, you should get out more.

  2. Hello form yet another atheist farmer. I have been growing produce as my sole livelihood for 2 decades and have yet to pray to your God for rain or anything else.

    Sorry to put a wrench in your thesis

  3. Please stop making generalizations. There are many of us. Thanks!

  4. Count me as #4. Also, if you want to be a farmer so badly, get outside and plant a garden. As my daddy told me, it'd be good for you to get your hands dirty.

  5. Same here, I am a beekeeper and have 8 garden boxes. I have a successful crop each year and my bees make a good amount of honey. I have never prayed for this, it was my hard work and dedication that made my farm succeed.

  6. People grow these crops, we work hard using acquired knowledge, gained through experience, failures, love and sweat. Not divine intervention. We help nature along and she gives us food, but WE work hard for it... don't give credit to anything but the farmer.

    1. Sorry Shady, but I give God the glory for everything. I respect your right not to believe, please respect my right to beleieve God works in concert with your hard work to make the seed germinate and grow.

  7. I am happy that you all comment, and I am not denying the existance of Atheist farmers. I am curious to know why an atheist of any profession is reading my blog, but I do invite you to continue.

  8. Another atheist farmer here. Actually, more like homesteader. I do things on a family, friends and neighbors scale instead of a community or regional scale. Good to see there are a few others scattered around. I hope His Noodliness blesses each of your harvests!

  9. I grew up with a family of atheist farmers and also work with an atheist ex-farmer. I

  10. I'm a little late joining this parade....but yea another atheist farmer. An acre garden, bees, worms, pigs, chickens, rabbits, and hundreds of fruit trees. Those are my credentials. And all my success has been through my blood, sweat, and tears. Mostly sweat though. Time on your knees is wasted time unless you are weeding a garden bed.
