Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Am a Follower, by Leonard Sweet. A Review

I just read the book "I Am a Follower" by Leonard Sweet. This is a concept that I already embraced after hearing Chris Tomlian talk about the concept of being a "Lead Worshiper" instead of a worship leader. This idea that we are leaders is redundant, because we have a leader. Jesus is our Leader, we need to be the first follower! The book shares a video that I have watched online about the First Follower, which is a powerful idea.

Often in the church, we get too many leaders and not enough followers. We need to follow, be willing to be the first follower and follow Jesus. This is a great book, and I would recommend it to everyone. There was some things in the book, theologically, that I didn't completely agree with. None of it was substantial enough for me to miss or lose the main focus of the book. All in all, I really enjoyed this one, check it out.

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