Thursday, January 4, 2024

Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich

 Today, I talked to some students having a conversation about hot dogs. Is it a sandwich? This is a struggle, because hot dogs don't really fit the image of a sandwich. Several groups have weighted in, but I have come to one starting realization. A hot dog is not a sandwich, it is a taco.

That's not really what I want to talk about. Me telling students (who all agreed) that a hot dog is a taco was just an opportunity for me to talk with and invest in students. I try to be real with students, to connect with students, build bridges to students so they know they are cared about. I want the students to know that there are adults who care about them. Sometimes the best way to do this is telling them that a hot dog is a taco.

In life, we pass by people all the time. We pass strangers we might never meet again. We see people that we pass every day or every week. We see clerks at the store, the next door neighbor, the person who works down the hall. Each one of these contacts gives us an opportunity to show care and compassion. We need and should be connecting with people.

In our modern society, people have way too many connections on social media. It is easier to insult post hate on social media. Even on social media, we have the opportunity to show kindness and respect. We can engage with people in a positive way. When you are at the store, at work or school, or on Facebook, seek to be encouraging, uplifting, supporting and kind. We need more of that today than ever!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2024 Theme

It's a new year. New calendar year, as a teacher I also have new school years. So it's 2024. I'm not much into the "new year, new you" stuff, and I don't make resolutions. I make a theme for the year, a place where I need to focus my life. This year, it's "get the stuff done!"

Here are some places I need to get stuff done. I have two published books with little to no marketing done. I have a few things in place, but I haven't done the work. I think my books are helpful and worthwhile. That's why I wrote them. I need to b make sure I'm using them to invest in people. I need to get that done.

I need to get the engine and transmission rebuilt and back in the Mustang. I need to get some work done on it and get it on the road. I've done too little. I always have stuff come up, but that is always going up happen. Time to buckle down and get it done. 

Next this blog. I have neglected it too much. I used to have good readership, but my content shrunk and so did readers 
I need to write things for people to read, so I just need to get it done. Goal right now is twice a week. I think that is realistic with everything I have going on. 

Finally, I need to finish my Masters. I'm getting a 2nd Masters in English. My goal is to have most of it done before school starts next year. I need at least 18 credits to take over a class in the fall. I can't slack off or procrastinate. I need to get it done. 

That is my theme for 2024, feel free to share with me what you are working on!