Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Should A Woman be a Pastor? pt 1

 This is an issue of great debate, and I want to begin way back where the whole thing begins. How do we answer and examine the issue without getting to the root? Men and women were created as partners, yet the fall changed things. One of the parts of the curse was for Eve, that her desire would be to subvert and usurp her husband, yet he would rule over her. Part of the curse is for women to desire to take the headship of the man. This is true in the family, in the corporate world, in politics, and in the church. The first question we should ask is, should a woman want to be a Pastor? Why does she want to be a pastor? I won't be popular for saying it, but the root of the desire is the curse. A woman wants to take the man's position as leader, God said it would happen. Eve took the lead, took the fruit, and gave it to Adam. Paul quotes then in using his reason why a woman should not be a Pastor. She took the lead at the fall, and as a result, the curse after the fall says she will want to take the lead, but men should not allow it.

To the woman he said,
“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
in pain you shall bring forth children.
Your desire shall be contrary to your husband,
but he shall rule over you.”

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