Thursday, April 13, 2023

Effort is a Skill

 As a High School teacher, I have seen how vital, and often rare effort is. I have come to the conclusion that effort is a skill. It has to be learned and instilled. We have assumed that everyone can make an effort, but I am starting to think that isn't true. I think you must be taught how to put forth an effort. In years and decades past, it was assumed we could all put forth a good effort because we were expected to. We learned early and often to put forth an effort. As time has passed, technology has increased and people have more leisure, I think we have passed the tipping point where we can just expect people to know how to put in a good effort.

The expectations have been lowered, the excuses have been made, and the participation trophies have been given out. We have done too much to shelter and protect kids in our modern culture, they don't know how to try. They expect to be given what they want, they want a handout. There is a concerted lack of effort on the part of many of the students. It is more than not caring, it's like they don't even know how to care. They don't understand the reward of hard work, they take little pride in a job well done. They rush through everything and do it halfway so they have more time for idle things.

This is not the case across the board, and there are some who have learned effort. I am not talking about specifics, I am talking only in generalities. I am sure it has also been a slow fade over decades to where we are today. To be honest, there is not going to be an easy fix either. We have arrived at the place we are today be millions of choices over years. It didn't happen overnight and it won't be fixed overnight. The only option we have is to recognize the error and begin to push back the other way. To begin to celebrate hard work. We must return to the day when the heroes are those who do great things, and not internet celebrities and media influencers. The culture can be saved, but it is going to be a long and difficult road back. I for one am worried, because it will take effort, and I am not sure we have enough left to get back.

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