Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Cell Phone Problem No One Can Fix

 Most of you know me and know I'm a High School teacher. I will tell you as a teacher and from other teachers, I know that cell phones are a nightmare. I think many teachers are leaving the profession because we just can't compete anymore. We just can't do it, it is awful. My district has said no more cell phones in class, and the punishment can be as severe as an alternative school. May seem drastic, but it is not. Cell phones are ruining our students.

As a teacher, telling my students to put their phones away is equal to killing their puppy. I get called every name under the sun, yelled at, ignored, and disrespected constantly for a cell phone policy that I didn't create. If you want to see something similar, take a smoker and hide their cigarettes. These students are addicted, and when you cut off that addiction, they can act like addicts.

What makes it worse is the enabling parents who are addicts and don't support what we are doing. Most of the parents are great, but some say "I just don't see the big deal". I will tell you the big deal, and many will say I'm overreacting, but Google is running our country. The younger generations no longer think, they just google it, or ask Siri. They no longer have critical thinking skills, they just accept whatever the cell phone tells them. They get info from Instagram and Snapchat, but they have no clue what is actually happening. Google tells them what to think, what to support, and how to feel. When you cut them off from this, they lose their minds.

Teachers are suffering because of cell phones. We can't teach, we are constantly at odds with distracted students. Cheating is out of control, students are emboldened to defy a teacher, and TikTok trends are encouraging all sorts of negative behavior. Our society is speeding down a road of destruction and it begins when a kid gets their first smartphone and social media account. They do not have the ability to turn it off, put it down, and pay attention during a school day. They have no idea why it is important to learn anything. It is dangerous when people just give up control, but that has happened, and it has happened on our watch.

I wish I had an answer to put in this section of my post. I don't. I have no idea how to fix this issue. Cell phones and social media are not going away. This is not going to change. The best we can do is to continue to talk about it. Continue to teach kids the whats and the whys of education and life. We can't give the ability of Google or Apple to control the thought process of the young. We need to teach them to think critically. It will be a long fight, a hard fight. Please pray for teachers, educators, parents, and others who work with these kids. It is a hard-fought battle.

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