Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Review of The Colson Way

I recently finished The Colson Way by Owen Strachan.  I knew some about Colson going into this book,  but I had no idea that I would enjoy this biography as much as I did.  Colson had an extraordinary life and ministry.  He did a great deal in spreading the gospel in places that need it most.

You may know about Watergate,  maybe about Prison Fellowship or Angel Tree ministries,  but Strachan does a masterful job of tying these things together into a great story. Charles Colson’s life and story is a great example to those who want to live a Christlike life.

I highly recommend this book. Looking at the life of great men of faith is a huge encouragement.  It’s good to look at the lives of those who have plowed so much ground. It’s also very well written and enjoyable to read.  Check out The Colson Way,  you won’t regret it.

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