I had a thought last night. Often in Evangelism we approach a single person in a group. Why is that? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to approach a group as a single person in public settings? When then share the Good News with multiple people. We are the ones with the Holy Spirit on our side, so we can approach multiple people with confidence.
Elaine shared a thought with me, often we approach people without meeting any needs. We don't care about the people, and they know we don't care. Sometimes we act like we care, but when it's clear that the people don't meet our needs, we stop caring. If they aren't going to get saved, join our church and increase our membership roll or tithe base, we leave. Elaine pointed out that Jesus met needs, He fed 5,000 and healed the sick.
In reading a book recently, John Fischer compared the way we do evangelism to being in prison. We visit with those on the outside though thick glass on the little prison phone. We never make actually contact. Sometimes we do evangelism like a chain gang. We are bussed in, do the work, and then bussed out. Way to go John, I am totally with you on that one.
Maybe we should try to contact people, where they are. They are in groups, in social situation, with needs. Let's find them where they are and share. Let's share the gospel, love and provide for their needs. I think that if we do those things, we will find evangelism isn't as hard as we thought.
Good idea. Every church plant in the Bible began with a team of missionaries. Any ideas? How would public proclamation of the Gospel fit in?