Friday, May 30, 2008

Last grades of my seminary career

I got my grade for my New Testament class last night. It was a B+. The lowest grade I got in my seminary career has been a B, yet every semester, I wait on pins and needles to see what my grades are. I want to make sure I've done enough and worked hard enough and learned enough to pass the class. This semester was especially stressful because it was my last before I graduate and move.

Could you imagine if salvation were like class. If you had to learn the stuff, and take a test, write an essay and hope you pass. If you had to come to the Gates of Heaven to find out if you pass or fail? I for one am very thankful that Jesus offered to take my test for me. He already took it and got a perfect score, and I just get to take His score. What a relief. I don't have to stress about graduating from this life and head to Eternal Life with my Lord.

1 comment:

  1. And since He aced the test for you, you can live your life without having to stress out about your grade. pretty awesome, if you ask me.
