Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Blame Game

     I see a trend in 2019. We like to point out what everyone has done to mess up. . . well everything. Let's start at the top, the Democrats are blaming Trump for ruining the country, Trump is blaming the Democrats. You can make an argument for both. The older generation is blaming the younger generation, the younger generation is blaming the older one. Everyone is blaming smartphones and social media. We blame GMOs, pesticides, fluorine, the earth's rotation, CO2, Billinairs, poor people, white people, black people, even green people. We blame China, we blame people in red hats or people on the coasts. We blame vaccines, we blame the education system or big pharma. In the end, a whole lot of people are blaming God. Some of you even blame me. Some of it may be my fault. That's not the point.
     So what is my point? My point is, we have been so busy pushing blame, conspiracies, reasons, and rationals that we forgot to do one simple thing. Take some personal responsibility. Guess what? Most of your issues are your own fault. Now, I can hear many of you right now saying "you don't know what I've been through". Yes, bad things happen that you didn't cause. That doesn't exclude most of the bad things that happen, do so because of the decisions you make. The day to day stresses aren't anyone's fault but your own. We need to be responsible and take control. Make the changes that will affect your life.
     More than that, but do the stuff you need to do. We live in a time when everyone wants everyone else to do the things they should be doing but aren't. If I see one more group protesting "climate change" with their smartphones, Airpods, and Fitbits, I might just lose it. You are the problem. The CO2 that you claim is destroying the planet is being produced in factories in China making your iPhone. You want to save the planet, stop buying tech. It's your fault. You don't want fluoridated water? Dig a well. You don't want GMOs? Plant a garden. Do the work yourself before you expect everyone around you to do the work. Stop blaming, stop demanding, start doing.
     If you think that people are hateful and need to be more accepting, then you need to stop hating and be more excepting. If you think people should accept you for who you are, accept others for who they are. That doesn't mean the attempt to change them to be more like you. If you are marching, boycotting or picketing so people will accept you, you are a hypocritical trouble maker, you are the problem. If you feel like you need to change people so they will accept you, then you need to boycott yourself, lock yourself in a bathroom and have a good hard look in the mirror. Stop blaming, stop pointing fingers, stop promoting every divisive thing that exists in society today. Take your sign, go home and take care of business. If you focus on making yourself a better person, the world will be better for your efforts. Imagine if we all did that!