Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Statement of Woven Theology

We affirm that God's sovereign plan exists outside out time and in the realm of eternity. God's plan is set out, preordained and can never be thwarted or undone.
Romans 8:29, Ephesians 1:5, 11, Acts 4:28, Isaiah 46:9-11, Psalms 102:27

We believe that God's eternal nature is higher than man's ability to comprehend and to fathom. We only relate to this nature and aspect of God in prayer and worship. God's eternal nature does not change, and His plan and will does not change.
Numbers 23:19, Malachi 3:6, Isaiah 55:9

We affirm that the concepts of predestination, election, prophecy and the end times are based upon this aspect of God's nature and character. All good things, all gifts and all holiness come from God and He receives all the glory, honor and praise.
James 1:17, Romans 8:29, Psalms 99:5, Hebrews 12:28, 13:15, I Thessalonians 1:4

We believe that God interacts with us in a relational and temporal nature in which we interact with in a very personal way. We see this all through scripture where God's nature and attributes connect with His creation in a very relational way.
I John 4:10,19, Jeremiah 31:3, James 2:23, Isaiah 41:8

We affirm that God related to Moses, Abraham, David and others in a relational way, working in time and with them in relationship. God connects with His creation in a way to build and grow relationship and understanding.
Exodus 3:12, Exodus 18:19, Genesis 18:17, James 2:23, I Samuel 18:14

We believe that Jesus Christ came to the earth and existed temporally and connected with the creation is a temporal, relational way. In this nature, we see that Jesus interacted with people in a relational way.
John 15:9, John 14:10, 11, I Timothy 1:15, Matthew 9:13, 36, Luke 7:13

We affirm that human kind exist with a sinful nature, tainted with the consequence of the original sin, understanding right and wrong and choosing wrong and sin and rebelling from God at our first recognition of evil.
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Psalms 14:3, Psalms 51:5, Romans 7:8-11

We believe that we are responsible for our sin, and it's our sin and our choice that condemn us to hell. We have made a choice to rebel against God, our sin nature that is ingrained in all mankind draws us into rebellion against God, and we believe that ever person has sinned and in in rebellion against God left to their own. They are incapable of being free from sin, from seeking God and from any works that will save themselves.
Romans 3:12, Romans 6:17, Romans 7:7-11, Genesis 3:6, Hosea 6:7

We affirm that man does not work for, earn or merit salvation. Salvation is a work of God and comes only when the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and calls. In God's eternal plan, those individuals who are saved have been seen and predestined from God's eternal nature outside of time and before the foundation of time. Salvation is a gift of God, and God receives all the glory and honor for salvation.
Ephesians 2:8-9, John 15:16 Romans 9:22-24, Ephesians 1:4, Romans 8:28-30, Acts 13:48

We believe that man has a responsibility to trust Christ and put our faith in Christ. We have the responsibility to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our heart, not to reject His call through blasphemy. We are responsible for our actions and reactions in the context of salvation, our openness of ears, eyes and heart.
Romans 10:9, 13, Acts 16:31, Hebrews 4:11, Acts 2:37-39, Acts 7:51

We affirm that the process of salvation in an intersection of God in His sovereignty, power and foreknowledge and man's responsibility and response. It seems there is contradictions in this nature, but we see that God's eternal attributes in Salvation and not comprehensible, yet God's temporal nature interacts with us making salvation a relational experience. They intersect in a way that fit together in God's eternal plan and our relationship and responsibility.
John 14:15-29, John 17:6-12, II Corinthians 5:11-20

We believe that salvation always occurs from conviction of sin. Without the Holy Spirit bringing conviction of sin and enlightening the sinner to their true nature, the sinner will not repent. Without repentance, true salvation will not occur.
Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Acts 8:22

We affirm that when a sinner takes the responsibility for sin and places their faith in Jesus Christ, then The Holy Spirit will regenerate their spirit, and once they Holy Spirit indwells the believer, they are secure in that Salvation for eternity. They no longer are their own, they are now a child of God, and in God's sovereignty that child will never be lost.
Romans 11:29, John 10:28 - 29, Jude 1:24, Romans 8:38-39

We believe that once the Holy Spirit indwells a believer, God's relational nature works in that individual in the process of sanctification through learning, faith, the church and through good works. Good words come through salvation and sanctification for the purpose of the believer experiencing God in a real way and touching the lives of other.
John 21:15-17, John 15:26, I Corinthians 12:3, Acts 10:47, Hebrews 2:4

We affirm that God uses His people to reach out and share faith. God's nature is relational and He chooses to use us to build relational unity in His Church. Salvation is a connect and intersection of God's plan and our responsibility and evangelism is God working through us and in us.
Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 10:14-15, Luke 24:47

In summary, we believe that man's responsibility and choices are woven together with God's eternal attributes, sovereign plan and predestination. This interaction brings God's plan and will to pass in a way that builds relationship and connects His people in His Church for His purpose and glory.

If you would affirm this theology, please sign your name, your city and how you serve God in your local context.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Free Download Not Equipped for Failure

I want to offer a free copy of my book Not Equipped for Failure.  It's a guide for being strategically Evangelistic.  If you would please let me know your thoughts.

If you would like a copy, please email a request to  Thanks.