Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Definitive Answer to the Question “Why Do I Need to Know This?”

 The Definitive Answer to the Question

“Why Do I Need to Know This?”

By Mr. Barnes

         In schools all over the United States, many students will ask the question “why do I need to know this?” They often question while studying why they need to know this particular subject. If students are learning about algebra, Shakespeare, the periodic table, The War of 1812, or a host of other subjects there can be frustration. If a student wants to work in an occupation that does not require a lot of math, for example, they may be frustrated that they are forced to study math. Often, they ask “when am I ever going to use this”? It is a valid question, so I want to answer that question in the most precise and clear way. There is a very good and substantial reason why our public education teaches the subjects of classical education.

         To answer the question, we have to go back in time, back to the time before America existed as a nation and American public education existed. In medieval Europe. During that time in history, people learned only what they needed. Individuals would learn a single trade, usually, the trade of their father. They were expected to apprentice in the family and they learned to do that job. The only individuals who would be able to move outside of the family trade were children of the wealthy, who were able to obtain an education. Tuition was expensive, and the children of lower-class families needed to work to support the family. Only the rich and wealthy could afford to have their children be educated. This allowed the rich to stay rich and provided the poor with limited opportunities to move up. Those who were not wealthy did not have much opportunity. Outside of their training and trade, they learned very little else in terms of education. Many people could not read or write, they didn’t know anything about history, math, science, philosophy, or any other subject not related to their job. This wasn’t by their choice, however. The rulers and leaders enjoyed this arrangement and wanted to keep the lower class uneducated. An uneducated person is a person that is easy to dictate and control. The monarchy and aristocracy enjoyed having an uneducated servant class of people to control. They did not want the people to be empowered, this may cause them to revolt.

         Fast forward to the foundation of America. In the United States, it decided there would be no king or dictator. We do not have a class of people who have noble titles and positions, who are able to rule over others because of their family position. The people would have the ability to choose a leader through an election process. For this to work, those individuals would have to have some classical education. We the people would need to have a working knowledge beyond just a simple trade. The reason is, if people fell back into the position of not knowing or understanding what was happening at the upper levels of government, they could be manipulated, controlled, and exploited by those individuals in the upper level of government. The purpose of public education was to make “good citizens” that would be educated and informed enough to make the decisions at the ballot box. The alternative is the threat of the rising of a tyrant to become dictator of our country. An educated populace is a mechanism against tyranny.

         A classical education, including reading, writing, science, history, and math, creates a foundation for each individual in our country to grow in knowledge and education. No one in the United States should be forced into one job or trade. No one in our country is required to simply learn the job of their family and have no opportunity to better themselves. No person in this country should grow up without the opportunity to become an elected leader. This is the foundation and fabric of our country.

         Why do you have to learn stuff you may never use in a job? The purpose of public education is not for you to get a job and make money. That is the additional benefit, but it is not the main purpose. The purpose of public education is to keep our country from becoming another monarchy or dictatorship through the empowerment of the population through knowledge. Education is the mechanism that keeps us free. Every group that wants to put another group into bondage or servitude removes their opportunity for education. A population that is not educated is often unable to see or understand what is happening beyond their immediate circumstances. Public education is the measure of protection that keeps our democratic republic alive.

         A classic education creates in every citizen of our republic the opportunity to learn, know, grow, and have the opportunity to have social and economic mobility. Every citizen is given the opportunity to have an education that will provide learning and knowledge beyond just one occupation. In this country, we provide education for all, not just for the wealthy and powerful. This understanding provides the foundation for the leadership each member of a democratic republic possesses. Each of our citizens has the responsibility to vote and be involved in the operation of our republic. Having a classic education including subjects you may never use in a career gives each individual a better understanding of the world, politics, society, and economic affairs. When our elected officials talk about ethics, rights, economic policy, environmental issues, civil rights issues, and international affairs, it is necessary to have a comprehensive education. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Navigating Stress and Anxiety

 If you say you don't have stress or anxiety, chances are you are lying. You are lying to me or to yourself. You might have very low levels, and for that I envy you. I know when I was in High School, I had very little stress. Now that I am in my mid-40s, I have an abundance. There are times when it is worse than others, like this week. I had an unfortunate incident with an angry driver on Sunday, we have had vehicles issues this week, and then the normal stress of life that doesn't stop. Stress happens to all of us.

If you are stressed out, first know a couple of truths. First, know it won't last forever. Whatever is stressing you out will be over. It may be replaced by new stress, but you will have grown from dealing with the last stress. Every new trial brings us new skills and mechanisms to cope, so we are better equipped to handle the next one. Remember the stuff that caused you stress and anxiety when you were younger? In elementary school, middle school, high school, college, or when you were a young adult? Looking back at the worst things from your younger self probably doesn't seem like it was a big deal. It was a big deal then, but you learned how to cope. Now those same stresses are not as big of an issue. Every hard time helps you deal with the next hard thing better.

Second, know that you are not alone. People care about you and will support you. Everyone has a support network. You have family and friends, and I hope a church. You can pray when you are alone and God is there for you. You are not alone, there is support. If you feel so overwhelmed that you don't know where to turn, reach out to a health care professional. I recommend you start with your doctor. Find some help, there is no shame in it. We all need help once in a while. I need it all the time.

Finally, know that you have control. It may seem like your anxiety is driving your life, but don't let it. Tell yourself that you are in the driver's seat. Take your thoughts captive. Tell yourself to stop thinking about the things that are trapping you in the prison of anxiety. Find things that make you feel better. Find a way to release the pent-up energy. Find ways to rest and relax. You can't control everything, but you can control yourself. Take control of what you can control and know that you are strong enough to get through this. Focus, pour your energy in the right direction. Maybe even write a blog. It might help. It helped me today, so thanks for listening,

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Want to Help People pt 3.? Just Be There.

     So I have discussed listening, discussed not fixing. The final thing I want to touch on today is availability. When people hurt, they need someone to be there. That can be hard in our society. You are busy. I can say that without knowing who will read this, when, and where, because everyone is so busy. We have stuff designed to make us busy. There is always so much we need to do, have to do, want to do, should be doing, shouldn't be doing but are anyway, and so on. It seems like the list is never-ending. We are busy people and it causes a strain in relationships sometimes.

    Here is my advice. Make time to not be busy. If you try to just wait until you are not busy, it won't happen. You have to plan to not have anything going. This is key for your family, but it is also true for your friends and neighbors. You have to schedule a time to be available for them. Let them know you want to be there with them, plan to have time to do things. It may require a significant amount of time, but chances are it won't. Remember they are busy too.

    It may be best to be busy with someone. There are lots of things we do in common, maybe we should find time to work together and with others. Be busy beside someone. More hands make the work go faster, and the fellowship will help. People often feel isolated, just working beside someone can be healing. In today's environment of virtual everything, we miss the human connection. Never underestimate the value of just being there. Offer to help, work in the same location. Spending time with people makes a big difference.

    The key is to be intentional. We let connections and opportunities slip. Capitolize on the opportunities as they come. More than that, create opportunities. Be aware of the need and find ways to connect. The tasks you set aside will still be there. The stuff we have to do is never-ending, so putting it off to invest in someone will be time well spent. Be there for someone today, and it will make a difference.