Today I am going to give you an abstract idea, and I hope I can communicate it clearly. It is often asked if there is proof or evidence of God, and I will submit todat that time itself is an evidence. To really get into this, I want to use an analogy. Imagine a river, a long, narrow, steady moving river. Now picture a boat, floating down that river. The boat travels down the river until the river empties into a lake or the sea. This boat is you, the river is time. We know that you, being the boat has a beginning, a point where you enter the river. The boat sits on the water and the water caries the boat with it. Imagine the water as a mirror of the boat, it makes the trip with it and empties itself in the sea. Where does the water start?
The water, to reach the point where it meets the boat, must have a beginning. There must be a starting place for the journey. It can not be infinite, because if the water always existed, it would be infinitly away from the moment that it meets the boat. In order for a flowing river of water, or time, to reach a point, it has to start. It must have a beginning, otherwise it will always be infinitately in the past.
Time exists and it has flowed to this point, which means it must have a beginning. For time to have a beginning, there must be something that put the time into motion. Now, this does not prove God, but it proves a source. A source for the river, like the melting snow pack that feeds streams into rivers. Logically, for something like time to begin, it would involve more than just an act of physics. Time is not something that can naturally be created or destroyed. It would require a cataylsit of divine proportion to create time itself. Time is movement and for time to be moved, it requires a mover. Thomas Aquinas called this the unmoved mover.