In looking at the question of who is in hell, we can look again at popular culture. Who goes to hell? In the movie Ghost, Hell is for the evil people who have done the most evil things. We see the main character going to Heaven without having any expressed faith or belief in God. If we take a wider look, most of those who go to Heaven are the "good" people. In contrast, only "bad" people go to hell.
Is this true? What is the standard? What is good or bad? The Bible teaches something similar, that good people can earn Heaven and bad people deserve Hell. The bad news is, there are no good people. No one is good. Everyone is bad. Jesus himself said that no one is good except God. Romans tells us that all have sinned. No one does good, no one is righteous. The book of James says that breaking part of the law is enough to condemn you, and one sin is the same as breaking all the laws and commandments. Every single person has sinned and violated God's law. Let's be honest, we sin often. Little lies, lust, envy, boasting, gossip, and cursing can be daily (or hourly) occurrences. It is not that we sometimes sin, we are sinful in the core of our being. We are apart from Christ, we are slaves so sin, sin in the defining characteristic of our lives.
The good news is, we don't have to depend on ourselves to get to Heaven. We are all bad people, and being good (perfect) is required to get into Heaven. To enter God's presence, your sin must be paid for, but you don't have anything in which to pay the penalty. You have a million-dollar fine and not a penny to your name. If we were required to earn our way into Heaven, there would be no hope. We enter Heaven when the price is paid on our behalf by Jesus. Jesus paid for our entrance into Heaven, but trusting Him and making Him the Lord of our lives, we become adopted into God's family. We are allowed to pass the test by using the score that Jesus earned.
Those individuals who accept Jesus, trust Him and follow Him as Lord will enter Heaven. Every other person on earth will be judged by the things they have done. They will be judged on how they have acted and the sins they have committed. All those who are guilty of sin will be sent to Hell. In Hell, each individual will understand they deserve to be in Hell. Those individuals who are cavalier about sin and reject God knowingly will confess that Jesus is Lord and will accept their eternity knowing it is exactly what they deserve. When facing the throne of God, every sinner will confess they are sinners and deserve to be eternally separated from Hell, they will understand the fate that awaits them and know they are completely and totally deserving of eternity in Hell.
God loves us, and He made a way we can avoid this fate. He offers us an opportunity to reject sin and self and trust Christ. If we do, we will praise and rejoice in that day. If we reject Him, we will be rejected and end up in the eternity we deserve.