Saturday, July 15, 2023

Is Seminary Important

 Like millions of people, I am on Tiktok, and I have seen a trend. People are arguing about the Bible and theology and some rely on formal education and some completely dismiss formal education. I have a formal education, so I wanted to weigh in because my degree is not in theology. I don't have a Master of Theology, a Master of Divinity, I have a Master in Educational Leadership, so I'm in the middle. Is a seminary degree critical, is it even important?

I went to seminary very well prepared theologically. Much of what I believed was simply reinforced, I was given some great tools and help, but I don't feel like my seminary experience made me into an expert. It was a time of equipping. One of the things my seminary classes really caused me to do was focus on some issues, pushed me to go deeper, and clarify some things for me. Most of all, seminary taught me something that is lacking today. I was privileged to actually GO to seminary. I didn't have online classes, I sat in class with others, face-to-face. I think this was key to the most important lesson.

In 1 Corinthians, we find Paul talking to the Corinthians about their behavior, most notably where they received their education. Some said "I follow Paul" and others "I follow Apollos". These were claims of who their teacher was, and who they claimed as their instructor. Paul spends the next several chapters telling them to stop it, they should not be divided. Paul never says they always have to agree, but they are not to be divided. Seminary taught me the skill of disagreeing without causing division.

In the church, we can disagree on lots of things. Calvinism vs Traditionalism, different views of Escatology, roles of gender, what kind of grape juice to use during communion. We can have opinions and even disagreements, but we must never cause divisions over non-essential doctrine. In the essentials, there is unity, but outside the essentials, we must have grace, charity, understanding, and civility. We don't see that on Tiktok. I really believe Satan is really enjoying the internet to sew disunity in the Body of Christ. I think seminary is a great place to learn how to discuss, dialogue, and disagree without breaking unity. I think it is a great place to learn humility. It is not a requirement, it is not essential, and it is not a license to be condescending.