Friday, June 14, 2013

Pleasantly Surprised, a review of Fully Alive by Ken Davis

I enjoy the humor and comedy of Ken Davis, so when I picked up Fully Alive, I expected it to be a lot of humor with some nice lessons and a feel good message.  I figured I would read it through and pass it on to someone who needed a good feel good book.  It is a feel good book, but had much more depth than I expected.  I was very surprised with the serious tone and demeanor for much of the book, and the practical way Ken dealt with a heavy topic.  We all experience down times, struggles and heartache and Ken tackles these head on.  I connected with Ken as he talked about his debilitating struggle with depression and the inability to do much or do much about it.  I felt a kinship with him, as an individual involved in Ministry, I use humor often and yet I have found myself both drowning in severe and debilitating depression and debilitated by the fear of returning to the depression.  I have felt and experienced much of what Ken talked about in my struggles in ministry.  I have struggled with much of what I have learned others go through.  I am at a place in my life right now that I know I am not spiritually as healthy a I should be.  I am suffering from spiritual and mental exhaustion and frustration and I will use many of Ken's suggestions.  I enjoyed reading it and walking away with some great principles.  There is a great deal of real world advice and suggestions that I enjoyed reading it. I would recommend this book as an easy but practical read.