Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Looking for a job

I never really thought I would be in this situation, but alas here I am.  It was my plan to stay at last job indefinably, but God had other plans it seems.  Now I am currently not in paid vocational ministry.  I had always looked at the stats about all the guys who don't make it in Ministry, and figured I would never be that guy.  Today, I am looking for work not in vocational ministry.  It is a disheartening thing in many ways, but I know that my ministry career is not over forever.

I know that God will have me plant a house church network or something like it in the days ahead.  I have felt that conviction for some time.  I know my non-profit ministry has an opportunity to touch people and change lives.  I hope to one day get my PhD and teach at a college level in a Christian environment.  In the mean time, I have to find a job outside of the field that I always assumed I would be in.  Time are lean, ministry jobs are scarce and I am not good with the idea of packing everyone up and moving around again.  I can't do that to my family, and I don't want to be one of those guys in ministry that moves every 3 to 6 years.

Pray for us, for me.  This is not a place I ever planned to be, and I don't have a lot of skills outside the church walls, but I'm trying.  I am hoping I can get something that will pay us enough to give.  It's been a challenge, it's been hard but I know that God will take care of us.  I just pray He provides a job soon.