Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Post Surgery Update

Well I survived. I had my spinal fusion yesterday. Things went well and good progress this morning. I was up and walking around and I have eaten pretty good. It's been good so far. I have a drain in my back, so I will be in the hospital until that is removed. I am in pain, but managing it pretty well. I still covet your prayers as I recover. Getting around is hard, can't bend or twist and pick things up. It's going to be a long recovery.

I want to thank you all so much for all your support, prayers and love. We have been blessed by all the generosity and support and love. This has been a hard road with the two back surgeries and trying to stay on my feet, figuratively and literally. I'm hoping to get back to work soon and things to get back to normal. Thank you all for your help and love and support. I so appreciate you all and pray that God blesses you.

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