Thursday, August 28, 2008

worshipping together

If you looked at yesterday's entries, I was looking into a couple passages, which talk about psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. I have some input from our worship pastor and read some commentary. Here are my thoughts.

We are told to sing in our hearts to the Lord, which mirrors what Jesus said, we worship in spirit and truth. We worship with our hearts, souls, mind and strenght. It says to speak to one another, but I found it can better be translated to speak "with" one another. We speak as one to God in these mediums. We worship together as a corperate body, speaking in one voice.

We speak in Psalms. Many of the Psalms are David crying out for help, confessing sin and seeking forgiveness. We speak in a way that cries out in confession and repentance. We seek forgiveness from the Father when we fall short, individually and as a church.

Hymns are great theological truths. We acknowledge who God is, and what He has done for us. We sing about the majesty and the presence of God. We sing about the work of Jesus, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. These are hymns, they are great theological truthes.

Spiritual songs are those of praise and adoration, pouring from our hearts. We sing from our spirit, rejoicing in what God has done in us, through us and for us. We sing together as the redeemed, singing to the redeemer for all He has done for us.

We do all this with and through one another. As a church, we worship as a church, we seek God's face as a church. It's all about community.


  1. I love the idea of speaking in Psalms...

    Just the thought of open, truthful, God-honoring dialogue. The idea of our communication to one another pouring out from a well of purity and openness. The existence of relationship that encourage and protect instead of discourage and detract.

    When we are honest and open with one another in communication and dialogue, it pleases God.

    What do you think?

  2. I agree, I think when we have that kind of open and honest dialouge, without judgement and devouring one another, we please God. His desire for the church is that of unity and love and support. Speaking truth into one another's lives brings healing and life.
