Sunday, June 1, 2008

the good kind of tired

So it's been a crazy weekend. Saturday we left the house to run to JC Penny's to get me a new tie, and then went to First Southern Baptist Scottsdale for graduation. I graduated from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. I also received the 2008 MAEL Pursuit of Excellence award. We left the graduation to get Kaylee in and out of her dance recital for her ballet class. Went to bed, got up this morning and went to church. After Sunday School and visiting, I got to Baptize Kaylee. After Church, it was off to the store and back home for lunch. Then to the second performance of Kaylee's recital, then off to dinner and home. I am worn out, but it's a good kind of tired. Making good memories, seeing the Lord work in our family and our lives. Spending time with my family and friends. It was a great experience, but I’m glad it’s behind me. I could use a rest.


  1. Congratulations on graduating! I'm jealous.

    BTW, I didn't even know you had a blog until now. Good to know.

    Peace out,

  2. Baby, I'm SO SO proud of you. It's been a long journey but we made it :) You have been so amazing over the last 5 years working sometimes three jobs to allow me to stay home with our kids, doing homework, studying, reading, taking tests and still finding a way to spend time with me and the kids. Your hard work paid off and no one deserves the award more than you babe! I am so excited about this next chapter in our lives and that I get to live it with you. xoxoxox
