Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Writing, the purpose of the blog

Here we go, sitting down to write my first blog. As an aspiring writer, the advice I hear the most is to write, and write often. I had a blog on myspace, but gave up myspace for facebook. In my tranisition, I decided to make my own blogspot page. Works for Dr. Alvin Reid and Elaine's Uncle Tommy, so maybe it will work for me too.

I have been really blessed in my life and career at this point. I have 2 books written, none published but working on that. My family is supportive, especially my wife, she has been super supportive. I am excited about starting a new job later this month, where I'll have the opportunity to put some of my trainig to work. I gradute on Saturday. It's been a wild ride.

Thanks for hanging out with my on my ride. I hope it's fun and enjoyable.


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